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Chengdu Yiwei New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd.


Facing the scorching heat, Yiwei’s new energy sanitation vehicles stay cool during summer operations

Dashu, the twelfth solar term in the Chinese calendar, marks the end of summer and the onset of the hottest period of the year. Under such high temperatures, sanitation operations face significant challenges, requiring both vehicles and drivers to take measures to ensure operational efficiency in hot environments.

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In response to these conditions, Yiwei has developed integrated thermal management technology for its entire range of 18-ton new energy sanitation vehicles. This innovative system integrates the vehicle’s cooling and air conditioning systems into a unified unit. Utilizing a proprietary integrated thermal management unit, Yiwei ensures comprehensive control over the vehicle’s motor electronics, power battery, waste handling unit cooling, and cabin air conditioning.

Integrated thermal management technology effectively maintains optimal operating temperatures for critical components such as batteries and motors during prolonged and intensive operations, preventing performance degradation or malfunctions due to overheating. For instance, when the battery temperature rises, the system automatically increases the fan speed to enhance cooling efficiency.

Application of innovative results of vehicle integrated thermal management system and method1

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Drivers are required to enhance vehicle maintenance and inspections during the hot summer months. Regular checks of critical components such as batteries, motors, and air conditioning systems ensure that they operate smoothly. Additionally, monitoring coolant levels and quality is crucial to maintaining optimal performance under high temperatures.

Facing the scorching heat, Yiwei's new energy sanitation vehicles stay cool during summer operations1 Facing the scorching heat, Yiwei's new energy sanitation vehicles stay cool during summer operations2

High temperatures during summer, especially on fast asphalt roads, can lead to increased tire temperatures, making tire blowouts more likely than in other seasons. Before use, it’s essential to check for abnormalities such as bulges, cracks, or excessively high tire pressure (summer tires should not be overinflated).

Avoiding Driver Fatigue

Hot weather increases the likelihood of driver fatigue. Adequate rest and balanced work schedules are essential, minimizing driving during habitual sleep times. If feeling tired or unwell, drivers should stop in safe locations to rest.

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Maintaining Air Circulation Inside the Vehicle

Optimizing air conditioning use by avoiding prolonged recirculation, periodically opening windows for ventilation, and ensuring fresh air circulation inside the vehicle are essential. Additionally, adjusting the air conditioning temperature helps prevent discomfort or cold-related illnesses.

Facing the scorching heat, Yiwei's new energy sanitation vehicles stay cool during summer operations

Fire Safety Awareness

High summer temperatures warrant precautions against fire hazards. Avoid storing flammable items like perfume, lighters, or power banks inside the vehicle. Items such as water bottles, reading glasses, magnifying glasses, or convex lenses that could focus sunlight should also be kept out of the vehicle to prevent potential fires.

Under the rigorous test of high temperatures, Yiwei’s sanitation vehicles fearlessly navigate through the city, safeguarding every corner with their commitment to cleanliness. With innovative technology and annual summer service patrols, Yiwei not only ensures efficient operation of vehicles in high-temperature environments but also injects strong momentum into urban and rural sanitation construction, contributing to a better living environment for all.

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Post time: Jul-23-2024