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Chengdu Yiwei New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd.


Warm welcome to Zhu Chunshan, Chairman and President of the Guizhou Environmental Health Association

On May 27th, Zhu Chunshan, Chairman and President of the Guizhou Environmental Health Association, accompanied by the association’s advisor Liu Zhonggui, and hosted by Li Hui, former Chairman of the Sichuan Environmental Health Association and industry expert, visited Yiwei Automotive for a survey and investigation. This visit aimed to strengthen inter-industry communication and cooperation, exploring the integration of environmental health and new energy special vehicles development.

Warm welcome to Zhu Chunshan, Chairman and President of the Guizhou Environmental Health Association

Earlier on May 24th, Chairman Zhu Chunshan and his delegation visited Yiwei Automotive’s booth at the 24th China International Urban Environmental Sanitation Facilities and Cleaning Equipment Exhibition to gain insights. This subsequent visit to Yiwei Automotive’s Chengdu Innovation Center allowed for deeper understanding.

Warm welcome to Zhu Chunshan, Chairman and President of the Guizhou Environmental Health Association1

Yiwei Automotive’s Deputy General Manager, Zeng Libo, warmly welcomed the visiting delegation from the Guizhou Environmental Health Association and accompanied them on a tour of the innovation center. During the visit, Zeng Libo provided detailed presentations on Yiwei Automotive’s latest achievements and advancements in new energy vehicle technology research and development, product manufacturing, and market promotion. He also shared the company’s active efforts and accomplishments in promoting green transportation and advancing smart and information-driven development in sanitation.

Chairman Zhu Chunshan highly praised Yiwei Automotive’s achievements in the field of new energy special vehicles and emphasized the close connection between environmental health and the development of new energy special vehicles. He emphasized that with increasing environmental awareness and rapid advancements in new energy technology, new energy special vehicles would become a crucial part of future urban sanitation services. The Guizhou Environmental Health Association expressed its intention to actively collaborate with Yiwei Automotive and other new energy special vehicle enterprises to promote the development of green transportation and environmental protection initiatives.

Warm welcome to Zhu Chunshan, Chairman and President of the Guizhou Environmental Health Association2 Warm welcome to Zhu Chunshan, Chairman and President of the Guizhou Environmental Health Association3

This exchange not only deepened mutual understanding and cooperation between the Guizhou Environmental Health Association and Yiwei Automotive but also laid a solid foundation for future collaborations in areas such as new energy special vehicles and environmental technologies. Both parties expressed their commitment to further enhancing exchanges and cooperation, jointly promoting the prosperous development of environmental health and new energy special vehicle industries.

Contact us:

yanjing@1vtruck.com +(86)13921093681

duanqianyun@1vtruck.com +(86)13060058315

Post time: Jun-20-2024