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Chengdu Yiwei New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd.


Yiwei Automotive Conducts Comforting Activities for Sanitation Workers

Life rewards diligence; those who work hard will never lack. May, a month brimming with vitality and vigor, resembles an enthusiastic anthem, praising every hardworking and quietly dedicated worker. Yiwei Automotive extends special respect and deep gratitude to those sanitation workers who quietly contribute and work hard. They are the beauticians of our cities, using their diligent hands and sweat to create a clean and comfortable living environment for us.

Yiwei Automotive Conducts Comforting Activities for Sanitation Workers


As May arrives, Yiwei Automotive conducted a comforting activity for frontline sanitation drivers and workers, expressing gratitude for their hard work in maintaining urban hygiene. They distributed necessities such as umbrellas and water bottles, symbolizing the company’s hope to join hands with sanitation workers in striving for a better city environment.

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Through this comforting activity, Yiwei New Energy Sanitation Vehicle Company not only conveyed warmth and care to sanitation workers but also showcased the company’s corporate culture and social responsibility.

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The company will continue to focus on the research and application of new energy sanitation vehicles, enhancing the intelligence and informatization of sanitation products, and providing more humane, convenient, and comfortable new energy sanitation vehicle products for sanitation enterprises and drivers. Let everyone buy with confidence and use with comfort!

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Contact us:

yanjing@1vtruck.com +(86)13921093681

duanqianyun@1vtruck.com +(86)13060058315

Post time: May-23-2024